Sunday, December 23, 2007

23 Advent

Christmas Atmosphere 2006
Originally uploaded by krisdecurtis
Both feeling too exhausted to move. The darkness has settled in early and I'm feeling a certain sadness as the church bells toll and I simply can't summon the energy to go and listen to the 9 lessons and sing the carols that echo the joy and desire to worship in the deepest part of me. But trying to follow the "no" in the hope that tomorrows nativity service will be a yes...

Found this poem by Christine Vial, The Day Before Christmas Eve.

Cradled in the sofa's arms
as the darkness settles in
on this shortest of days

reading a new book
eating satsumas -
their skins unfolding like golden stars
the sweet-sharp pungent scent
drifting among the smoky winter potpourri
the sound of the radio in the kitchen
the rustle of present wrapping from the next room

We have come through together -
closer, though a little scarred -
and create this sense of peace:
fragrant, fragile and transient.

This is the moment of silence
at the top of the wave:
before the phone rings
before the train arrives
before the door is opened
before the barbarian hordes
before the thunder rolls...

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