Saturday, December 22, 2007

20, 21, 22 Advent

It's been a really tough week, as work comes to a close. So often we're aware that holidays, and especially Christmas, are really difficult for the young people we work with and this week brought that home in a number of ways.

One of my most brilliant young people was thrown out of home. It was really painful picking her up from a house fully decorated and primed for the big day but knowing that such a supposed family time had become impossible in that place.

This made me reflect on the Christmas story, bringing home the desperation of Mary and Joseph not being able to find a place to stay and the following flight into Egypt in fear for their lives.

Another young person faces court this week with the likelihood of going into a young offenders institution and yet another of my girls is contemplating the arrival of her baby in February.

It's funny how life gives you opportunities for a new perspective or different understanding.

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