Wednesday, December 19, 2007

19 Advent

Feeling a bit that if I don't laugh I might cry today and luckily there have been a couple of really funny takes on the Christmas theme.

Private Eye is brilliant from it's X-mas Factor front cover with Gabriel telling Mary "you're going to be a celebrity".

To a Spoof Conran Christmas diary in which Terrance declares "A crib for a bed? Not when there are so many more stylish and relaxing options." and "I'd put an absolute ban on entertaining shepherds and related farm-workers at this time of year. Lambs, maybe but only if pre-slaughtered. Frankly, shepherds tend to be very grubby, bringing soil and what-not into the house, and Christmas is a time of clean lines and dazzling white surfaces; frankly you don't want the place to end up a tip".

But my favourite joke, as heard on BBC Radio2...

Why is Christmas Day just like any day in the office?

You do all the hard work and the fat guy in the suit takes the credit!

Ho, ho, ho.

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