Monday, April 30, 2007


I'm not very good at this especially if it's compliments or gifts/praise I don't think I've earnt. But Greenhill taught me to do just that, an extravagant gift and I had to do nothing to deserve it and the most honouring thing I could do to the givers was enjoy it to the max.

Then I have started to read Contemplative Youth Ministry by Mark Yaconelli and he has a whole section on receiving that really made me think. Here's some of what he has to say....

"Now how many of us who have been Christians have heard many times that God loves us and cherishes us as God's beloved - yet how many of us have really believed this? How many of us slow down and take time for this experience to penetrate the depths of our being? How many of us have faith that God only loves our good deeds, our self sacrifices, our moments of prayer or devotion? ....It may be that the essential difference between Jesus and others is that when he hears God call him 'Beloved' he doesn't question it: he simply believes it. He recieves God's name of love before he has done any great works - before he has performed healings, before speaking insights, before undergoing any sacrifices....Having received this love from God, he is able to tolerate the doubts, false accusations, curses and even hatred poured out at him - because deep within his heart he knows and trusts the love that God offers him. He knows within the marrow of his bones that he is beloved by God and that is the deeper truth of his identity. Who would we be if we lived with the same knowledge?".


Anonymous said...

Just to push your "receiving" button to its limits - this weeks mantra, to be repeated at every opportunity and at least three times when it occurs to you - "I am a source of joy and inspiration to others" - Oh yes you are!!!!!

Little Flower said...

Thank you for that and may I say likewise! Indeed after your previous comment (she assumes) I wanted to give you this...

To listen tenderly and lovingly to the petty foibles, the painful longings and relentless thirst for God that crowd into the consiousness of each of us is to listen, in fact, to God's own longing to live among and transform us. To listen to one another in this way is indeed to be a lover of souls" Wendy Wright, Desert Listening.

That's what you are that is!!