Wednesday, April 04, 2007

oooh oooh!

Just having a trawl around the blogosphere when I rediscovered e-mergent kiwi...he has this great post about the brilliant Easter Journey they do at their church in all over Flickr really quality work. But read his post which has this amazingly clever quote from Tom Wright (oh and I do want to do more than knock the church, i love it but it does need a good buffet sometimes!).

...Tom Wright, who’s a well known Christian leader and Biblical scholar says this "The Word became flesh, but the Church has turned the flesh back into words."

I see what he did there and I see what we (the church) did there! Ties into Jonny Baker's 'Throwing a hand grenade into the fruitbowl' seminar deconstructing the sermon, that I saw him give at Greenbelt, transcript on his blog.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

appreciate the encouragement.

i am very impressed with what you've done. that sense of going to, and working with young people. love the vibrancy of the art. well done.
