Sunday, December 18, 2011

Nativity 18 - The Nativity

Had a wonderful time last night at The Nativity in Chaddesley Corbett.The village has a tradition of a christmas mystery play going back 40 years and it is just the thing you need to get you in the mood for the big day.

What is always impressive is how it brings together so many of the local community together, young and old, two legs and four! For it does feature a real donkey which is really the icing on the cake of the production that features brilliant scenes, songs, costumes and some very special moments. Not least as people come to share their talents and enthusiasm, regardless of belief, at such a busy time - it is a deep gift.

Some of the text dates back to the 14th century, from the tradition of mystery and morality plays that were often perfumed on village greens and for many years The Nativity was produced every four years in Chaddesley.

This year saw the addition of a poignant moment where a life size the cross was back-lit whilst surrounded by dry ice, as Stainer's God So Loved the World played. Taking the play from it original ending at the slaughtering of the innocents to the near completion of the story.

One of the most thought provoking of scene setters was a recording of an Aramaic chant, a birth announcement such as that which could have been made when Jesus was born. It took you from a village in the Midland's to far away in time and space.

Today is born of a virgin
He who holds the whole of creation in His hand.
He whose essence none can touch
is bound in swaddling clothes.
God who in the beginning
established the heavens lies in a manger.
We worship Thy birth O Christ

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