Saturday, July 07, 2007

Busy Lizzie

Busy Lizzie
Originally uploaded by Pete Biggs
I can't believe I haven't had time to blog since 20 June...crazy business!
Just when we've been flat out in fifth gear it seems life has uncovered a sixth gear and up we go a notch again!

Summer camp is really top of the agenda at the moment and has snuck up on us it's fair to say. We decided we wanted a more laid back approach to it this year and unfortunately that seems to have slipped to horizontal and we're now all jumping to attention and trying to figure how the dickens we get done all that we need to in the next two weeks. There's also the dawning realisation that having less leaders this year means lots more work for those of us who are there.

Plus we've gone for the slightly mad experiment of true community living with no 'grown ups only' lounge in which to hide and let off a few "I've had enough of young people" expletives. No we are going to try and manage our exhaustion and bad moods as teaching points...praying for masses of grace right now!!

Other stuff that's been going on...We've been away on retreat where the Bishop of Bedford came to impart his wisdom and where we had some great community time out. I went off up to London for some Moving into Management training that was really good. Am off up to London again with some year 9 students on Monday for a trip to the Sherlock Holmes museum. It's school prom on 17th which is exciting - my first ever! And just generally trying to tie things up in school ahead of the summer and in one case ending my time there, which is really sad.

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