Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Supermarket sweep!

So you know I'm a big fan of the Mighty 'W'and here indeed is justification! The latest Ethical Company Organisation research results into supermarkets are out...

"Our researchers examined the real ethicality of each of the supermarkets in detail across 12 ethical criteria - including animal welfare, human rights and environmental impact. There was MASSIVE variation in standards, with our Ethical Company Index scores ranging from 85 to just 38.

The highest overall ethical scores go to Sainsburys, Marks and Spencer and Waitrose. The lowest ethical scores went to Tesco, Asda and Iceland.

Sainsburys are also very highly commended for being the only supermarket to have so far signed up for full Ethical Accreditation -thereby guaranteeing an extra level of 3rd party audit (above and beyond the world of company-scribed CSR reports and smooth advertising copy!)"

Yes I know Waitrose and it's fellows are expensive and we are in the privileged position of only needing to feed ourselves and not a family but we choose to shop cheap. That means only buying meat once a week, if that, and get into being exceptionally thrifty with our good ingredients and bulking stuff out with beans and pulses. It's something my Mum did when we were kids and our Grandparents were great at but I think it's skills we've more or less lost.

End of soap box session and hoorah for the ethical leaders...that said Gingerkid pointed out all the supermarkets are more ethical probably than they were three years ago generally ...maybe they are so I guess we could be moving in the right direct!?

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