Monday, May 14, 2007

Happiness can be bought!!

OK so although I was suffering a bout of melancholy the joy was still bubbling away under the surface. But it was helped severely by an exciting parcel that plopped through the post two days after my last post!

Happiness comes complete with brewing instructions which include "dance like you haven't danced since you were five" and "have a slice of cholcolate cake"'s also extremely cute packaging with it's little metal tag that says "fun". And what's more it offers wisdom about 'being still' and 'just being'...AND it's organic!

This product is GENIUS!

Although I haven't actually tasted it yet!! Tee hee!! Or is that tea hee?!


Anonymous said...

Herbal Prozac, eh?!

Just imagine drinking it at the same time as smoking a Hamlet cigar whilst getting a quote from Norwich Union!

would that leave you thrice happier than your average Joe?

Little Flower said...

I don't know, YOU tell me?!!!

Anonymous said...

Great we'll try it at work! - you bring in the tea, I'll bring the cigar and we can make the phone call - sounds like interesting research to me.