But a joke this is not, we are now gloriously 17 weeks pregnant and our little foetus is as big as an avocado!!
The great news - in the light of my previous miscarriage and losing our two remaining grandparents - has been really special but understandably maybe it's taken ages to sink in. Hearing it's heart beat at my last doctors appointment made it all a little more real, as did realising that we're already heading to half way through the pregnancy - scary!!
Ever since that appointment I've had the lyrics of the Iona song "No Heart Beats Like Your Heart" in my head, I love to think that we're all - past, present and future - part of God's great heart beat!
"No heart beats like Your heart keeping me in time
No hand as warm as Your hand holding onto mine
No eyes can see through me
No smile ever drew me like Yours
No voice like Your voice can calm my fears
And no prayers like Your prayers can move me to tears
And no arm around me
Can fully surround me like Yours"
Congratulations Lillie, am praying for you
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