Had a whole week back in sunny (and somewhat freezing) Luton and no dashing off anywhere to advertise the brilliant world that is schoolswork.co.uk - check it out!
And it's been a great week. Had appraisal; not fired! Seen one of my chaplains doing her thing in school and been blown away watching classes thinking about Peace and it's role in their lives, seen the awesome creative work another is doing getting kids to think about prayer whilst the others are going to take whole year groups on to engage them in thinking about God and where faith fits in their worlds. Honoured to work with these amazing individuals.
Met a brilliant youth worker from Chelmsford (we met so many more when we were away too)who just confirmed for me how blessed we are at LCET with all the support and fantastic management we have.
Went into London to Patio - THE best Polish restaurant, like eating good school dinners in an aging aunts dinning room! Probably not the best way to sell it and not referring to my aunt, who was there and looking younger than ever in a very funky hat it has to be said! Early celebs of Uncle's birthday too (rock on!).
Then off to Bush Hall to see Duke Special. Oh my word, one of the most fun gigs I've been too! The song sheets were handed round Music Hall style, fitting to the venue but these sheets included 'I predict a riot', 'Wuthering Heights', 'Jump', and 'Maps' not exactly the good old days but brilliantly funny. And I just loved watching everyone singing, and people love to sing, I think we're designed to do it (something to do with worship me thinks?!)but many of us don't get the chance!
Anyway, it was cool because it felt beautiful and sad and laugh-out-loud-funny all at once. The band have a unique mission. Then there was an angelic moment when he sang about "sometimes we need to be broken, to let the light out". Shivers ran down my spine because Aunty Flower had sent me a card last week after my 'dead woman walking' post and it had a badge on which said "Blessed are the cracked for they let in the light"! Two different angles on the same theme; treasure in clay pots an' all and this whole time has been so much about that - even today helping out a friend who is both beautiful and broken right now.
I love how God speaks to us, alway gentle, always creative, always expansive never restrictive, often with laughter, tears and the unexpected.
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