Tuesday, September 04, 2007

So many blogs so little time...

I don't know if I'm alone in this but I have a running list of blogs in my head and often life is too hectic to get them down and then there is a quandry. Do I go back to the beginning or do I store blogs and start with the most recent life happening? Decisions, decisions, but don't worry I'm not losing sleep over this!

So some blogs that never got fully formed this months are...

Nature is cruel - Mum and I went for a lovely walking the Worcestershire countryside and spent a while watching three hares. They are utterly amazing creature and so rarely seen. Then a man came along with a gun and started shooting at them! Which in itself was a wierd metaphor for village life at that time. There you are enjoying all the happenings and experiences of rural village life and then someone comes along with something explosive! We live through these experiences no matter how painful and somehow hope they change our understanding/compassion for the better.

Heaven in ordinary - Greenbelt 07 was awesome and I only went for a day, it's so creative and vibrant and just inspiring, heaven on earth and THAT'S far from ordinary!

Soul Survivor - so good, so different from Greenbelt but fab to be in worship with 10,000 people.

Mark Yaconelli - he may have knocked Delia Smith off the left hand of God spot. Much more on his wisdom at a later date. (Oh and he served me communion!!!!).

And it's a new term at LCET, and I'm in charge!!! whoooooaaa haaa haaa!!!!

So if you're lucky you're saved from reading the waffling versions of those forrays into the dark space that is my mind....ooo and little-flower might have made it into print!! Where? (Mumbles) Er,(mumbles) the west midlands moth spotters monthly mag - see the truth is stranger than fiction!

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