Monday, February 05, 2007


Hah! See that got you interested. Well sorry for the disappointment this is actually a post about Sunday being the annual LCET exhibition and it was absolutely fantastic. It's always mind-blowing to see what has happened over the last year and a great way to review our work and catch up with the therapuetic team's output.

What amazed me is that we manage to produce such incredible displays and interactive demonstrations of our work, WE manage to produce this. Obviously we are all marvellous (and God does miracles, we're evidence enough of that) but I'm constantly amazed by LCET and all that we achieve.

Thinking along these lines I found this great quotation from Kabir, an Indian mystic....

'Inside this clay jug there are canyons and pine mountains
and the maker of canyons and pine mountains! All seven
oceans are inside and hundreds and millions of stars.
The acid that tests gold is there, and the one who judges
jewels. And the music from the strings noone touches,
and the source of all water. If you want the truth: friend,
listen, the Holy One whom I love is inside.'

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