I wish I could blog in a maximum of three paragraphs and wasn't given to rambling, on and on and on and on.
I wish I could produce witty and erudite reviews of arthouse movies or live theatre that really captures the zeitgeist of the moment (or could even use zeitgeist correctly).
I wish misery didn't exist and that it didn't compel me to try and eat my own body weight in chocolate, custard creams or Macdonald's so-called food.
I wish, just sometimes, that I could run away and do something daring or maybe scandelous ...but I never would.
I wish God would hurry up with me so I didn't wish things like the above. But instead dare to live in a more out there way for God.
I wish I could play my guitar without practising or that I practiced.
I wish wine/beer/gin/vodka/champagne wasn't so nice or that non-alcoholic wine/etc was nicer.
I wish I had enough money to develop some amazing barns near my home into an awesome Grand Designs type home and retreat space.
I wish computers didn't hate me.
I wish my friends and I weren't so busy and that we could play more. Growing up sucks.
Oh yeah, and I wish getting old didn't have to mean losing your value to society.
Hey LF
Nice wish list... I'm with you on the alcohol thing (as my drunken appreciation of the wonderful LCET 'Hear Me' exhibition last Friday potentially bore witness to!?).
Hope it's all good with you... and for the record, I've often found that God honours / affirms / uses you in ways you hadn't imagined 'dare to live a bit wilder' when you (see my Stopsley 'wild at heart course' is paying dividends!
Love to Gill
hey lillie, ive been reading yor blog and think its really intresting and gives you lots to think about =]
gill xx
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