I wish I could blog in a maximum of three paragraphs and wasn't given to rambling, on and on and on and on.
I wish I could produce witty and erudite reviews of arthouse movies or live theatre that really captures the zeitgeist of the moment (or could even use zeitgeist correctly).
I wish misery didn't exist and that it didn't compel me to try and eat my own body weight in chocolate, custard creams or Macdonald's so-called food.
I wish, just sometimes, that I could run away and do something daring or maybe scandelous ...but I never would.
I wish God would hurry up with me so I didn't wish things like the above. But instead dare to live in a more out there way for God.
I wish I could play my guitar without practising or that I practiced.
I wish wine/beer/gin/vodka/champagne wasn't so nice or that non-alcoholic wine/etc was nicer.
I wish I had enough money to develop some amazing barns near my home into an awesome Grand Designs type home and retreat space.
I wish computers didn't hate me.
I wish my friends and I weren't so busy and that we could play more. Growing up sucks.
Oh yeah, and I wish getting old didn't have to mean losing your value to society.