Feeling like I'm just getting my head back round this thing called life, I've noted the important part my garden has played in my therapy. Not just the fresh air and switching off or even the achievement but just the excitement of trying something new.
For this reason I decided to aim for 12 new things in the next 12 months and we'll see how we go...
I'm counting number one starting in June with Eldeflower Cordial, I've always wanted to try making it and this year with a tree just a few strides from the house and an encouraging neighbour I had a go. It was incredible. I used Sarah Raven's fruity recipe which was brilliantly simple and lasted really well
The veggie patch is number two. I had a largely unloved and really quite unproductive allotment in London but my timber raised beds are a whole new ball game. I've grown new things in a completely new way and was not prepared for the results, we didn't buy fresh veg or salad all summer as we had more than we new what to do with and I suspect winter would have been pretty good two had we not had to quit whilst we were ahead.
In August, overwhelmed by the mass of courgettes my two plants were knocking out I made "Gluttney", Hugh Fearnley Whittingstall's humorous pickle. I've never attempted jam or the like and have been delighted by this sweet-savoury relish so much that I've even given my first home made presents!
I wonder what joys the following months will hold?!