Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Blog browsing!

Found this on the blog I discovered yesterday, interesting news for those of us trying to discern what the future may hold for youthwork and has got me even more excited about the LCET Schoolswork Conference ...

There is such good stuff out there too, always enjoy and Jonny Baker has a new site a great bridge to Christian spirituality for those into all things alternative, have already directed friends there and only found it an hour ever the Grace crew are right on the button.

The only problem is everytime I do a swoop my dreams and my reading wish list get longer!!!

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Great new blog!

Found a great new blog whilst looking for something entirely different! It's and it's got some great stuff on. Am a bit miffed because the author blogged on Robbie's song Sin, Sin, Sin beating me to it and the awesome Kenda Creasy Dean conference beating me to it! But hey great minds and all that!! As ever with blogs some wheat and chaff depending on whether you know the bloggers identity but some useful info too...'Faithful cities' report and Romance Academy conference dates so check it out!!